



eSMART neo

Question : The OLED display of my eSMART Li-neo battery won’t come on when I shake the battery. How can I solve this ?

Answer : « #HaveYouTriedTurningItOffAndOnAgain? » The internal accelerometer is most likely stuck in an unkown state and must be reset. To do so simply empty the battery completely (until cut-off) and recharge it. This will force a hard reset of the accelerometer and will solve the issue.

Question : My eSMART Li-neo battery won’t start charging when I put it on a compatible charger. How can I solve this ?

Answer : « #HaveYouTriedTurningItOffAndOnAgain? » A « Terminal Charge Alarm » flag is probably incorrectly set by the battery’s internal electronics and needs to be reset. To do so simply empty the battery completely (until cut-off) and recharge it. This will force a hard reset of the internal fuel gauge/protection electronics and should solve the issue. If the battery won’t charge AND is empty/or won’t supply any current at all please contact us for additionnal support.

Question : What is the maximum voltage after charging AUDIOROOT eSMART batteries ? I would like to make sure that my equipment (radios, recorder) are compatible.

Answer : Maximum output voltage of a fully charged AUDIOROOT eSMART Li-xxWh or Li-xxneo battery is 16.8V.


Question : Can I use an NP-1 or Vlok Battery instead of the audioroot esmart series with the BG-DH MKII ?

Answer : No. The BG-DH MKII was designed specifically for use with smart batteries. If you connect a standard NP1 battery to the BG-DH MKII the unit will distribute DC power but the OLED screen will stay blank as it won’t be able to communicate with the battery. This is because State Of Charge monitoring is achieved inside each battery. Also this would mean reterminating the input connector of the BG-DH MKII which would void the warranty and could lead to damaging the unit.
For NP1 or any other standard battery we recommend using the BG-DU or vmDBOX.

Question : Is it possible to connect an external 12V power supply to one of the Hirose outputs and use the other 5 Hirose outputs as usual ? This would allow me to power my sound bag from an A/C power source or change batteries without turning off my setup.

Answer : Yes this is possible. However as the voltage of the PSU (12V) is lower than the battery’s nominal voltage (14.4V) the battery will continue to discharge until it reaches 12V. At 12V a 4 cell li-ion battery is almost fully depleted. So you will have to remove the battery to prevent it from discharging when powering your sound bag from an external A/C adapter.


Question : When I plug a eSMART battery to the BG-DU it is recognised as being a standard battery. How can I correct this ?

Answer : It is most likely you are using a 2 conductor cable between the battery and smart distributor. A 4 conductor battery input cable is required for eSMART operation (i.e when connecting eSMART batteries to the BG-DU). This cable is sold separately under reference eHRS4-OUT-4W. The 2 conductor Hirose battery output cable available under reference eHRS4-OUT will not enable battery data communications between the eSMART batteries and the BG-DU. If you are using a eSMART LiFe-256Wh or LiFe-576Wh battery please make sure you are also using a 4 conductor cable such as AUDIOROOT eXLR4-HRS4-4W.

Question : I am using the BG-DU with an eSMART LiFe-256Wh or LiFe-576Wh battery and the display on the distributor shows « CALIBRATE ». How can this message be removed ?

Answer : This message means that the precision of the battery’s internal fuel gauge is below 90%.
To remove the message the battery’s fuel gauge must be re-calibrated. To do so proceed as follows :

– fully charge the battery
– fully discharge the battery (until cut-off)
– fully recharge the battery

Please note that you can safely continue using the BG-DU if the « CALIBRATE » message is displayed.

Question : Can I power the BG-DU or BG-DU-REG from an external power supply source (wall adapter) ?

Answer : Yes but make sure that pins 2 and 3 of the male Hirose compatible connector are left unconnected.

Question : My BG-DU unit is constantly scanning/rebooting for a smart device at bootup. How can I fix this ?

Answer : Make sure pins 2 and 3 inside the male Hirose connector which is connected to the BG-DU’s input connector are left unconnected. If pins 2 and 3 are respectively bridged to pins 1 and 4 the BG-DU won’t be able to start.


Question : The fuel gauge of my LiFe-xxxWh battery seems to report inconsistent values. For example when the battery is fully charged it shows 100% capacity but a lower estimated run-time than usual.Is there a way to fix this ?

Answer : We would recommend re-calibrating the battery’s internal fuel gauge.

To recalibrate your battery proceed as follows :

– Fully charge the battery
– Fully discharge the battery (until cutoff)
– Fully recharge the battery.

This has to be done from time to time. Specially after long period of storage or after many partial charging/discharging cycles.

Question : I am currently powering my sound cart with an eSMART K-ART + eLCPO10-S + eSMART LiFe-256Wh or LiFe-576Wh. I am looking to simultaneously charge the battery while running from mains power. Is it possible to charge the eSMART LiFe at the same time as being connected to the K-ART? Or does the battery need to be disconnected to charge?

Answer : The battery does not need to be disconnected to charge. The eLCPO10-S can be left connected to the battery (LiFe-256Wh or LiFe-576Wh) during use. This will recharge the battery and power the K-ART at the same time. Please note however that the eLCPO10-S can only supply 10 Amps of current so if the K-ART/equipment drains 6 Amps this will leave 4 Amps to the eLCPO10-S to charge the battery.


Question : I am using the K-ART with an eSMART LiFe-256Wh or LiFe-576Wh battery and the display on the distributor shows « CALIBRATE ». How can this message be removed ?

Answer : This message means that the precision of the battery’s internal fuel gauge is below 90%.
To remove the message the battery’s fuel gauge must be re-calibrated. To do so proceed as follows :

– fully charge the battery
– fully discharge the battery (until cut-off)
– fully recharge the battery

Please note that you can safely continue using the K-ART if the « CALIBRATE » message is displayed.

Question : When I plug in a LiFe-576Wh or LiFe-256Wh battery into my K-ART it detects it as a standard battery. Is there a way to correct this ?

Answer : A 4 conductor cable must be used between the K-ART and any of our eSMART batteries to allow smBUS communication (AUDIOROOT reference eXLR4-OUT-4W or eXLR4-XLR4-4W). If a standard 2 conductor cable is used then the K-ART will detect the smart battery as « standard ». Audioroot sells pre-made and bulk 4 conductor cables for this application.

Question : Can the K-ART be used with a mains unit for unlimited operation?

Answer : Yes this is possible. However when using a mains power supply on one input of the K-ART and a battery on the other input the mains power supply will handle the current load only if its nominal voltage is greater than the actual voltage of the battery. For this reason we recommend using the DT150PW160D from TDK-Lamda which has a nominal output voltage of 16.0V when using the K-ART with li-ion batteries which have a nominal output voltage of 14.4 or 14.8V .
When using the K-ART with LiFePO4 batteries (12.8V nominal voltage output) we recommend using a 15V power supply such as the « K-ART PSU-10 ».

Question : I am currently powering my sound cart with an eSMART K-ART + eLCPO10-S + eSMART LiFe-256Wh or LiFe-576Wh. I am looking to simultaneously charge the battery while running from mains power. Is it possible to charge the eSMART LiFe at the same time as being connected to the K-ART? Or does the battery need to be disconnected to charge?

Answer : The battery does not need to be disconnected to charge. The eLCPO10-S can be left connected to the battery (LiFe-256Wh or LiFe-576Wh) during use. This will recharge the battery and power the K-ART at the same time. Please note however that the eLCPO10-S can only supply 10 Amps of current so if the K-ART/equipment drains 6 Amps this will leave 4 Amps to the eLCPO10-S to charge the battery.


Question : Can the BC1150 recharge batteries simultaneously during use ?

Answer : Yes the BC1150 can recharge batteries during use (i.e when drawing current via the DC OUTPUT) with certain limitations :
* MAX current output AND simultaneous battery charging can only be achieved if both the BC1150-24V and BC1150-PSU are connected to the BC1150
* If only the BC1150-24V is connected batteries will effectively recharge only if current draw via the DC OUTPUT connector is <= 4.0A
* In any case when batteries are charging the BC1150 generates a small amount of noise (fan and small internal relays from the sequential charger)


Question : My eSMART TRIO is set to ADVANCED mode but reads « NO BATTERY » even tough I have 2 x smart batteries connected to BATT1 and BATT. How can I solvee this ?

Answer : It is most likely you are not using the proper cables to connect the batteries to the TRIO. Use of standard 2 conductor cables won’t enable communication between the eSMART TRIO and smart batteries connected to it.
You need to use cables with 4 conductors such as reference eTA4F-OUT-4W to enable battery telemetry.




Guideline for optimizing your battery’s life :

  • You can charge / discharge your battery how ever you like. Li-ion batteries are not prone to memory effect. You do not need to fully discharge your battery before recharging it.

  • NEVER leave your battery empty for storage. The battery’s electronics require a very small amount of current to work and will drain the battery after several months of storage.

  • To store your battery charge it to approx. 40 – 60 % (3 or 4 bars). This will provide 4 to 6 months of shelf life. Check the battery’s capacity every month. If the battery reaches 20 % recharge it to 40 – 60%.

  • The greatest effect on the self-discharge is storage temperature. Higher temperatures increase selfdischarge. Storage of cells and batteries in non-temperature controlled facilities in hot climates can cause more rapid self discharge hence the storage method plays a role in the shelf life of the product. For optimum shelf life store your batteries in a cool place. You can store your battery in your fridge (3 – 4 deg celsius). DO NOT store your batteries in a freezer.

Fuel gauge accuracy

If you were to observe fuel gauge discrepancy proceed as follows :

  • Fully charge the battery

  • Fully discharge the battery by connecting it to your equipement (le the battery cut off)

  • Fully recharge the battery again

Your battery is now recalibrated



Indications pour augmenter la durée de vie de votre batterie

  • Vous pouvez charger/décharger votre batterie AUDIOROOT à loisir. Il n’est pas utile de décharger complètement les batteries AUDIOROOT eSMART Li-XX-Wh avant de les recharger : les batterie lithium ion ne possédent pas d’effet mémoire.

  • NE STOCKER JAMAIS votre batterie VIDE. L’électronique de contrôle embarquée nécessite un courant très faible pour fonctionner ce qui peut vider complètement la batterie et l’endommager à terme.

  • Chargez votre batterie aux environs de 40 – 60 % (3 ou 4 barres sur la jauge LCD). Ceci procurera une durée de vie de stockage de la batterie de 4 à 6 mois. Vérifiez l’état de charge de la batterie tous les mois en regardant la jauge LCD. Si l’écran n’affiche plus qu’une barre ou moins rechargez la batterie à 3 ou 4 barres.

  • Le paramètre le plus déterminant pour l’auto-décharge d’une batterie est la température de stockage/fonctionnement. Le stockage de batteries dans des environnements non contrôlés en température peut provoquer une auto-décharge plus importante. La méthode de stockage de la batterie joue ainsi un rôle déterminant dans sa durée de vie. Pour un stockage optimal nous recommandons de stocker vos batteries dans un lieu frais. Un réfrigateur est idéal pour stocker des batteries li-ion. ATTENTION : je ne jamais stocker vos batteries dans un congélateur ou même dans un compartiment freezer d’un réfrigérateur.

Précision de la jauge de puissance

Si vous deviez constater un écart au niveau de l’affichage de la jauge de puissance procédez au recalibrage de votre batterie comme suit:

  • Chargez la batterie complètement

  • Déchargez votre batterie complètement en la branchant à son équipement habituel (laissez la batterie se couper toute seule en fin de capacité).

  • Rechargez la batterie complètement

Votre batterie est à présent recalibrée




If you need to carry your Audioroot batteries on an air flight here here is a short guideline :

  • It is prohibited to carry spare li-ion batteries in checked-in baggages on civil airlines.
  • You may carry a « reasonnable amount » of li-ion spare batteries in carry on baggages if their nominal wattage per hour is < 100Wh.
  • All Audioroot eSMART Li-xxneo and eSMART Li-xxWh batteries have a capacity < 100Wh so you may carry any of these batteries in carry on baggages.
  • Audioroot eSMART LiFe-256Wh and eSMART LiFe-512Wh LiFePo4 batteries have a capacity > 160Wh : air transport of these batteries as carry-on is prohibited.

Si vous devez prendre l’avion avec vos batteries Audioroot voici les points les plus importants à respecter :

  • Le transport de batteries li-ion en baggage à soute est totalement interdit.
  • Vous pouvez emporter avec vous en cabine un nombre « raisonnable » de batteries li-ion si leur capacité nominale n’excède pas 100Wh.
  • Toutes les batteries Audioroot eSMART Li-xxneo et eSMART Li-xxWh ont une capacité < à 100Wh. Vous pouvez donc emporter ce type de batteries en cabine.
  • Les batteries Audioroot eSMART LiFe-256Wh et eSMART LiFe-512Wh LiFePo4 ont une capacité > 160Wh : leur transport en cabine passager est prohibé